Monday, December 5, 2011

New Day

Kick those plates
Feel your world shake
No wonder, stubborn blunder
Stress the unwelcome guest
Steady the beam that is self esteem
Stream flow now that you know
Clear sky anticipate
New day no gray
Everything will be ok

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

who knows? i don't
that might be the best part to start
standing with the view
everything within arms reach new
arms are the car
without spiritual fuel you won't get far
drive is the reason
air isn't the only thing within your stare
reach for that hope
planks are the reward of learning that bridge that moat

Friday, September 9, 2011


Never enough days in a week
Emotions waiting to eat
Jump those walls, find slick spots in the halls
Cheating the math, getting out of that mudd puddle bath
No yesterday in a haze
No tomorrow in a maze
Enjoy the field that is today and graze.